Are We Thawing
An ex-detective stumbles upon a crime he wasn't supposed to know about and is now complicit in the death of a God.
You play as Noelle Blanche, an ex-detective belonging to the Kingdom of Winter. As times begin to change, the seasons find themselves at war. The Winter Kingdom's biggest enemy the Summer Kingdom is advancing. And Noelle never thought he himself would be at the center of this conflict...
See all Specs An ex-detective stumbles upon a crime he wasn't supposed to know about and is now complicit in the death of a God.
You play as Noelle Blanche, an ex-detective belonging to the Kingdom of Winter. As times begin to change, the seasons find themselves at war. The Winter Kingdom's biggest enemy the Summer Kingdom is advancing. And Noelle never thought he himself would be at the center of this conflict...
First Release Date | 2023-02-01 00:00:00 |
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