Below Zero

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Below Zero is a tactical turn-based strategy and role-playing game for PC The main attention in project is taken by the fight system and accidental incidents on the map during the way. You will have to reach a certain point controlling the parameters: 1. Hunger 2. Temperature 3. Health. The fight system is a classic Active Time Battle, where you have to combine the abilities of the characters and think over the tactics of defeating the enemy. Also our goal is to surprise and interest the player during his campaign and give him a choice that will affect the plot of the game.
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Scroll of Life Previous Scroll of Life
There was a planetary catastrophe that has led to general temperature drop on the planet, which caused the death of almost all vegetation because of constant low temperature, and as a result, the emigration and death of herbivores.
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First Release Date 2018-01-10 00:00:00

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Pixel Star
Dagestan Technology

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