Cap'n Crunch's Crunchling Adventure

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This game was released as a game to advertise Cap'n Crunch cereal. In the game you raise crunchlings by playing mini-games to raise their stats, in order to defeat the boss at the end. There are 3 separate mini-games in the game. In Winter 1999, the "Where's the Cap'n?" promotion returned from 1985. This time kids could log on to the internet to help solve the clues regarding where he had disappeared to. In Spring 2000, the Cap'n was back. This time it was revealed he was in Volcanica (at the center of the Earth) saving the Earth's supply of Crunchium. Alongside his return was this game packaged with specially marked boxes of cereal.
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The game takes place in Volcanica, a place populated by Crunchlings at the center of the Earth. The city's mines have been infiltrated by thieves looking to steal all the crunchium, which is needed to produce Cap'n Crunch cereals. Cap'n Crunch attempts to remedy the situation by having a crunchling challenge the thieves to an athletic competition. The crunchling trains for the challenge by practicing three games, each teaching a different skill.
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First Release Date 2000-06-30 00:00:00
Game Franchises Cap'n Crunch

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Cobalt Interactive
Quaker Oats

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