Die drei???: Plan der Chamäleonbande
A wave of sophisticated robberies is keeping the whole country on tenterhooks. The well-camouflaged "Chameleon Gang" is said to be behind it. Strangely enough, the places and times of the burglaries coincide with the tour schedule of a popular singing duo. Are the musicians behind the crimes? Bob goes along on tour and investigates undercover. But where are Justus and Peter?
See all Specs A wave of sophisticated robberies is keeping the whole country on tenterhooks. The well-camouflaged "Chameleon Gang" is said to be behind it. Strangely enough, the places and times of the burglaries coincide with the tour schedule of a popular singing duo. Are the musicians behind the crimes? Bob goes along on tour and investigates undercover. But where are Justus and Peter?
First Release Date | 2022-04-07 00:00:00 |
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or miles away from your gaming rig.
Language | Audio | Subtitles | Interface |
German (Deutsch) |
The Web Production