For Honor: Season 10 - Sakura
A series of chilling incidents has plagued the Myre, and many believe they all began with Sakura, an infamous Hitokiri. Years ago, the Samurai executioner was taskedto sentence a peasant fisherman who had committed an odious crime. As Sakura rose her axe to deliver justice, she fell into a trance and slaughtered every living soul in the village. Many years have passed, and yet Kaidan is still rumored to be haunted by Sakura's victims. Some unfortunate warriors recently fought in the abandoned village, but only a few lived to tell the tale. They have seen things most people would not believe…
See all Specs A series of chilling incidents has plagued the Myre, and many believe they all began with Sakura, an infamous Hitokiri. Years ago, the Samurai executioner was taskedto sentence a peasant fisherman who had committed an odious crime. As Sakura rose her axe to deliver justice, she fell into a trance and slaughtered every living soul in the village. Many years have passed, and yet Kaidan is still rumored to be haunted by Sakura's victims. Some unfortunate warriors recently fought in the abandoned village, but only a few lived to tell the tale. They have seen things most people would not believe…
Player Perspectives | Third person |
Game Category | 7 |
First Release Date | 2019-05-02 00:00:00 |
Parent Game | 11162 |
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