Here Come the Mystery Teens!
Game modes:
Here they are! The Mystery Teens! Solving crimes, running spooky errands, and diving deep into the most Mysterious of Unknowns where other, less Mysterious teenagers DARE not venture! Bust out those magnifying glasses and bell-bottom jeans, because tonight's adventure calls for sharp minds, brave souls, and powerful friendship!
See all Specs Here they are! The Mystery Teens! Solving crimes, running spooky errands, and diving deep into the most Mysterious of Unknowns where other, less Mysterious teenagers DARE not venture! Bust out those magnifying glasses and bell-bottom jeans, because tonight's adventure calls for sharp minds, brave souls, and powerful friendship!
Player Perspectives | Third person |
First Release Date | 2019-12-04 00:00:00 |
Play your PC games anywhere
whether you're in another room
or miles away from your gaming rig.
or miles away from your gaming rig.
Language | Audio | Subtitles | Interface |
English (English (US)) |
Alex Mankin