Keg Wars

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Keg War is a tactical twist on the classic Tic Tac Toe game. Instead of playing crosses and circles, players have cards with attributes and specific action patterns. This set of rules provides an exciting approach to a simple 3x3 grid domination.
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Commanding Nations Previous Commanding Nations
Too long ago, two powerful kings fought in great battles for territorial conquest. Always equated in battles, kings needed an innovative tactic in order to destroy their opponents. Several Commanders with completely varied tactics tried to conquer territories in the name of their King, but always with the same result, an impasse. Defeated and tired of constant battles, both kings wanted to do the ultimate war tactic. Explosions! For this reason both Kings contacted the Famous Ale Maker Wizards known for their spells cast in their ale kegs, whatever was stored within was doubled! Both decided to keep gunpowder and thus create a trap to destroy the enemy forces with a great explosive force of condensed powder. The resulting explosion was so great that it put an end to the great wars.
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Player Perspectives First person
Game Status 2
Game Engines Unity
Flying Pan Studio
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