Master of Wills
A strategy card game set in the cyberpunk city of Novus. Players battle as Faction leaders in a tug of war to influence Community members to join their side. Craft Faction card decks from a collection of characters and powers to outplay opponents. Choose a side and become the Master of Wills!
See all Specs A strategy card game set in the cyberpunk city of Novus. Players battle as Faction leaders in a tug of war to influence Community members to join their side. Craft Faction card decks from a collection of characters and powers to outplay opponents. Choose a side and become the Master of Wills!
First Release Date | 2021-03-01 00:00:00 |
Play your PC games anywhere
whether you're in another room
or miles away from your gaming rig.
or miles away from your gaming rig.
Language | Audio | Subtitles | Interface |
English (English (US)) |