Myha: Return to the Lost Island

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MYHA is a First Person Adventure game (Myst-like), part of a sci-fi series named The Black Cube (ASA: A Space Adventure...). Visit Myha, a moon in a far away solar system, and try to understand why you were teleported there.
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MYHA is a First Person Adventure game (Myst-like), part of a sci-fi series named The Black Cube (ASA: A Space Adventure...). Visit Myha, a moon in a far away solar system, and try to understand why you were teleported there.
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First Release Date 2019-04-14 00:00:00
Language Audio Subtitles Interface
English (English (US))
French (Français)
Italian (Italiano)
German (Deutsch)
Chinese (Simplified) (简体中文)
Japanese (日本語)

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