Saru Ga Daisuki
Game modes:
Saru Ga Daisuki is a platform game where the player controls a ninja monkey, out to save his girlfriend from an evil doctor. The monkey can run around, jump, and cling to walls and ceilings freely; it also has a weapon in the form of a yo-yo with which it can destroy green blocks and flip switches.
See all Specs Saru Ga Daisuki is a platform game where the player controls a ninja monkey, out to save his girlfriend from an evil doctor. The monkey can run around, jump, and cling to walls and ceilings freely; it also has a weapon in the form of a yo-yo with which it can destroy green blocks and flip switches.
Player Perspectives | Side view |
First Release Date | 2006-11-11 00:00:00 |
Game Engines | Game Maker |
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