Testing Pool
A gothic cell with positive gameplay. You can fire the rocket launcher at stuff and pick your own route through the level.
Completionists can visit an optional extra fight which is a little tougher than the rest of the map.
Built with Eternity 4.2 in mind; If you use Eternity you get MOD music and extra text if you leave via the secret exit. but the map itself is perfectly Boom compatible.
See all Specs A gothic cell with positive gameplay. You can fire the rocket launcher at stuff and pick your own route through the level.
Completionists can visit an optional extra fight which is a little tougher than the rest of the map.
Built with Eternity 4.2 in mind; If you use Eternity you get MOD music and extra text if you leave via the secret exit. but the map itself is perfectly Boom compatible.
Player Perspectives | First person |
Game Category | 5 |
First Release Date | 2021-04-28 00:00:00 |
Parent Game | 312 |
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