Total Conquest

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Game modes:
Sound the call to battle and join legions of players online in a battle to control the Roman Empire! Total Conquest is an exciting and strategic social game where you are a Roman governor developing your own city-state and army. But with Caesar dead, there's no more playing games: You'll need to join a powerful Legion - or forge your own - to defeat your enemies, protect your lands, and reign supreme.
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Sound the call to battle and join legions of players online in a battle to control the Roman Empire! Total Conquest is an exciting and strategic social game where you are a Roman governor developing your own city-state and army. But with Caesar dead, there's no more playing games: You'll need to join a powerful Legion - or forge your own - to defeat your enemies, protect your lands, and reign supreme.
More Information
First Release Date 2013-09-19 00:00:00
Error filtering template: Item (Olegnax\IGDB\Model\Company) with the same ID "61" already exists.

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