Xuan-Yuan Sword 6: The Phoenix Soars in the Sky among Millennial Clouds

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軒轅劍陸: 鳳凌長空千載雲(Chinese) In c. 1046 BCE, the Battle of Muye erupted. The leader of the Zhou of the west, Ji Fa, took the opportunity presented when King Zhou of Shang rallied his forces in a southeastern expedition and when the Shang capital of Zhaoge was undefended to form an alliance with leaders in the west at Mengjin to perform a swift strike against the capital. The DLC Chapter of Zhuo Shanzhu (濁山鑄篇), released as an free update, features a story involving Zhuo Shanzhu (濁山鑄), the elder brother of Rong Shuang previously presumed to be dead, and his investigation of the nature of Black Fire, the Black Fire Sect, and the history and technology of the lost kingdom of Sanmu.
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The Survivalists Previous The Survivalists
主角為奄國(商朝最大方國)大夫之子,從小受到父親教導要保存諸夏文化為己任,對此身為一個商人,感到無比自豪。 相傳在牧野之戰時,天空出現了神祕的黑色巨龍,大肆地殘殺商軍,然而商朝守護神─鳳靈卻非遲遲不見蹤影,主角奉命去找尋此事的幕後原因, 在路程中,相遇了身毒異國人、周朝王姬、古蜀國少女,以及宣稱與主角有深厚60年姻緣的神秘金髮女子...... 天外之章【DLC-濁山鑄篇】 故事開端承接鳳天凌一行人埋葬濁山鑄一幕,在妹妹蓉霜不捨離去後,本應該長眠在塵土之下的濁山鑄,此時竟然發生詭異的變化。
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First Release Date 2012-01-04 00:00:00
Game Engines Unity3D
Game Franchises Xuan-Yuan Sword

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Softstar Entertainment Inc.
Softstar Entertainment Inc.

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