Apex Legends: Gibraltar Edition
Make waves as you rule the competition. The Gibraltar Edition includes Exclusive Legendary "King of the Sea" Gibraltar Skin, Legendary "Terror of the Deep" Devotion Skin, "Lone Shark"" Gun Charm, "Making Waves" Badge, and 1,000 Apex Coins
See all Specs Make waves as you rule the competition. The Gibraltar Edition includes Exclusive Legendary "King of the Sea" Gibraltar Skin, Legendary "Terror of the Deep" Devotion Skin, "Lone Shark"" Gun Charm, "Making Waves" Badge, and 1,000 Apex Coins
Game Category | 1 |
First Release Date | 2021-02-16 00:00:00 |
Parent Game | 114795 |
Version Title | Gibraltar Edition |
Game Franchises | Titanfall |
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