Game modes:
Astrologaster is an astrological comedy game in which you take the role of Simon Forman, Elizabethan Astrologer and doctor. Cast and interpret astrological charts to answer your patients' questions about political intrigues, romantic entanglements, deadly illnesses and missing spoons.
See all Specs Astrologaster is an astrological comedy game in which you take the role of Simon Forman, Elizabethan Astrologer and doctor. Cast and interpret astrological charts to answer your patients' questions about political intrigues, romantic entanglements, deadly illnesses and missing spoons.
Player Perspectives | Side view |
First Release Date | 2019-05-02 00:00:00 |
Play your PC games anywhere
whether you're in another room
or miles away from your gaming rig.
or miles away from your gaming rig.
Language | Audio | Subtitles | Interface |
English (English (US)) |