For Goodness Sake
Game modes:
In a final attempt to guarantee your place on the nice list, you decide to try and do some chores before midnight. Will Krampus take you? Take the test and find out.
See all Specs Every early December another kid from your school goes missing, and rumors on the playground have circulated that it's related to Krampusnacht- the night that a half-goat half-demon named Krampus comes and steals away naughty children and spares the good. But what is it that determines if people are taken by Krampus?
For Goodness Sake is a very short horror text heavy game, focusing on several trolley problem situations. While completing the chores around the house, you find yourself reflecting on situations involving the neighborhood kids that have gone missing & ultimately deciding what you think might have been the right thing to do. Will you be taken by Krampus at the end of the night like the others, or will you be spared?
Player Perspectives | First person |
First Release Date | 2022-12-05 00:00:00 |
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whether you're in another room
or miles away from your gaming rig.
or miles away from your gaming rig.
Language | Audio | Subtitles | Interface |
English (English (US)) |