Kobal 2
Kobal 2 is a two-level PWAD for Doom II, released on June 14, 2009. It was created by Shadowman as a sequel to 2007's Kobal, and features a similar gothic aesthetic on the first map, with many custom graphics and edited sprites to reinforce its setting, whereas the second map is set in a techbase and associated sewer system.
See all Specs Kobal 2 is a two-level PWAD for Doom II, released on June 14, 2009. It was created by Shadowman as a sequel to 2007's Kobal, and features a similar gothic aesthetic on the first map, with many custom graphics and edited sprites to reinforce its setting, whereas the second map is set in a techbase and associated sewer system.
Player Perspectives | First person |
Game Category | 5 |
First Release Date | 2009-06-14 00:00:00 |
Parent Game | 312 |
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