Sakura Trick: Special Edition
The story revolves around Haruka and Yuu, two inseparable friends during high school, who by a cruel twist of fate are separated in high school and placed in completely opposite seats.
Forced to spend more time with their classmates, these girls decide to share "something special" to maintain their relationship despite the obstacles... that "something" being a kiss. From that kiss these girls begin to go deeper into their relationship.
See all Specs The story revolves around Haruka and Yuu, two inseparable friends during high school, who by a cruel twist of fate are separated in high school and placed in completely opposite seats.
Forced to spend more time with their classmates, these girls decide to share "something special" to maintain their relationship despite the obstacles... that "something" being a kiss. From that kiss these girls begin to go deeper into their relationship.
First Release Date | 2015-04-01 00:00:00 |
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