Santa's Outback Bender
It’s almost Christmas Eve, but no one’s seen Santa since he left to go party with demons in Australia! Those dudes are such bad influences... hell, they've practically got the whole country on lockdown. You hate being a buzzkill, but if someone doesn't find Santa and sober the old bastard up, no one's getting any prezzies!
Santa's Outback Bender is a Doom 2 limit-removing project from various members of Doomer Boards, led by resident down under Doomer glenzinho. It's the 3rd annual Doomer Boards Project Christmas extravaganza, and this year instead of the traditional cooler climes of the northern Winter, we're heading south to enjoy a Summer Christmas Down Under style. That means there's no snow and plenty of sun, surf, sand, and slaying!
See all Specs It’s almost Christmas Eve, but no one’s seen Santa since he left to go party with demons in Australia! Those dudes are such bad influences... hell, they've practically got the whole country on lockdown. You hate being a buzzkill, but if someone doesn't find Santa and sober the old bastard up, no one's getting any prezzies!
Santa's Outback Bender is a Doom 2 limit-removing project from various members of Doomer Boards, led by resident down under Doomer glenzinho. It's the 3rd annual Doomer Boards Project Christmas extravaganza, and this year instead of the traditional cooler climes of the northern Winter, we're heading south to enjoy a Summer Christmas Down Under style. That means there's no snow and plenty of sun, surf, sand, and slaying!
Player Perspectives | First person |
Game Category | 5 |
First Release Date | 2020-12-24 00:00:00 |
Parent Game | 312 |
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